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Chinese translation for "n-body problem"


Related Translations:
bar n:  杆,棒
n electron:  电子
n值:  n-value
recognition n:  认可
aufpassen n:  配合,对上
n orientation:  正向(插入),同向(插入)[插入片段与载体同向
technique n:  技术
n coboundary:  n上边缘
n曲线:  n curve
n inkia:  印度
Example Sentences:
1.Notes on regular polygon solutions of planar n - body problems
2.N - body problem is a system of o . d . e . . it reads the law of n bodies
N -体问题实际上是一个常微分方程组,它描绘了n个天体的运动规律。
3.Numerical topics include dense and sparse linear algebra , n - body problems , and fourier transforms
课程的数学主题包括稠密稀疏线性代数、 n体问题和傅立叶变换。
4.Five regular polyhedron solutions are given by analysing commonness of other special solutions of n - body problem
5.In general , n - body problem is the research which the n bodies move under the newtonian law and the law of gravity
具体地说, n -体问题是研究在牛顿运动定律及万有引力作用下,每个天体只有相互的作用力,而不受别的外力时的运动状态。
6.In the research of the n - body problem , central configuration is an important content from it , we can obtain periodic solution ; it has close connection with collision or escaping
在n -体问题研究中,中心构型是研究它的一个重要内容。由中心构型可以产生周期解,中心构型也与天体同时碰撞或逃逸紧密相关。
7.Comparing to the single - particle system , in n - body problems , not only the external condition is considered , but also the mutual interaction , so it is more complex to compute than in the single - particle system
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